Environmental Monitoring Protocols
Service Description
As per most operators Environmental Management Plan, environmental monitoring a requisite from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, yet occasionally these do fall to the wayside. This is mostly due to a lack of understanding of protocols by the teams on the ground. DTA assists through consultation and training as well implementing these protocols. Most importantly we ensure the teams on the ground understand the reasons for the protocols and make them easy and fun to do. We show how important this monitoring is to sustain wildlife and the environment for future generations. At the end of the day, there must be buy in from everyone for the project to be sustainable! As our systems are based on the Standardized Monitoring Protocols (with a few adjustments here and there to make it more efficient and assessable), the following areas are covered: Predator monitoring and identification Rare and endangered animal sightings Fire occurrence Invasive plants Flood and weather Human-wildlife conflicts In addition, we can also use the data already held by most camps to look at your emissions and carbon footprint in a number of departments. Most importantly, we can help you reduce these, saving you funds and the environment!

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